Practical MongoDB Aggregations v5

The free, online book just gets better and better.

(Author’s note: yes, indeed, I took a blog hiatus)

Paul Done has come out with yet another update to his wonderful book “Practical MongoDB Aggregations”. This fifth edition covers up to MongoDB v6.1, and remains THE definitive MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline resource.

Yes, it has all the latest Bells and Whistles of the Agg Pipeline variety, but it also has this nugget, from Chapter 2: Use of the $project stage is often not the best way of specifying fields to include or exclude from eventual pipeline output. Nope, use of $set and $unset is usually (but not always) preferable to $project, for readability and ease of use reasons. Don’t believe me? Again, see Chapter 2.

There are many of us who are indebted to you for this work, Paul. Thank you again.

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