Monthly Archive: June 2019

MongoDB 4.2 Goodness #1: Atlas Full-Text Search

[From MongoDB’s Blog Post soon after Elliot’s Keynote Address] MongoDB Atlas’s new Full-Text Search service is set to bring the power of Lucene 8 to MongoDB. The new service is designed to end the reign of complex, application level integrations...

42. What’s Up With That?

An attendee of my talk this week wanted to know what “42” meant. It is the answer to the question “What is the meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything. You’re welcome. Really, read the books. You’ll thank me again.

Hitchhikers Unite! My talk at #MDBW19

The talk that helped launch this site, “Don’t Panic! The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the MongoDB Galaxy”, is scheduled for 0800 on Tuesday in the Regent Room at the Hilton Midtown. Yes, it’s early, but it just might be worth it....