Mongo Silverback MongoDB for All Primates

MongoDB University Courses for Atlas

MongoDB University has added a couple of Atlas-specific courses recently: A131 Introduction to MongoDB Charts: MongoDB Charts is a powerful data visualization tool that enables you to easily find patterns and trends within your dataset. Learn how to create and...

We’re Back! was offline for a week due to ISP issues. We’re back, and apologize for the inconvenience!

CVEs, RSS and MDB, Oh My!!

Customers have been clamoring for it, and it’s here! WEBSITE-7429 has added a new RSS feed of all CVE vulnerabilities, which allows customers to subscribe and receive new CVEs alerts as they are published. Several MongoDB customers have been asking...

New Atlas Goodness!

Just released, fresh off the DBaaS! Atlas now: Adds more IOPS and more consistent throughput to standard storage for Atlas clusters on AWS at no extra cost. Supports using MongoDB Charts with multi-cloud clusters. Introduces trial version of the MongoDB Atlas Kubernetes Operator. Adds an easy MongoDB CLI quickstart...

I Finally Wrote A Medium Story

But it’s much more about Silverbacked-ness than MongoDB and Tech. Might be an interesting read for fellow male Silverbacks…

We Learn Something Every Day

3.5 years at MongoDB, and I’m still learning. All consultants do. Every day. That’s part of the allure. Sometimes, however, we learn something that counters what we thought was solid, bedrock knowledge. And it shakes us. And we can either...

EOL Watch: MongoDB 3.6

It’s official. MongoDB 3.6 Enterprise will reach end of service life on 30 April. That gives customers less than three months to upgrade to v4.0 or later. On MongoDB Atlas, the ability to create Clusters running MongoDB 3.6 will be...